When it comes the time for my Mother-in-law's birthday or Mother's day, I have to scratch my head really hard to find a good gift for her. I scout a lot of online stores trying to find the 'perfect' gift for her from her daughter-in-law. I better start looking for Mother's Day gift now since the big day is exactly one month away. But I think I know what to get her this time around.
When my son was born, I used to print his pictures I took every week in 4x6 for her. But since he turned 1, I seldom do that anymore because lack of time. Now that he has turned two, I have many pictures of him which I can put together and produce a collage for her on canvas. Does this sound like a good idea for Mother's Day gift?
Family Friend Food & Fun
A place to share 'Talk and Blog'
Apr 11, 2008
Moms night out
Tonight a few of us, moms from the toddler's class at Torrance Adult School are planning to meet up after dinner at Coffee Bean by Del Amo Mall for a night out with out the kids. This will be my first time going out with them without Brandon tagging along. We went to several playgroups together but never without the kids you know? It will be fun to just chit chat among us moms and find out more about us instead of the kids. Will update after this outing of mine.
Apr 8, 2008
Online games for kid
I love computer games when I was young. Now that I have a young little boy, I will definitely introduce computer to him when he start to understand how to use the keyboard and mouse.
Of course, there are many sites that promote learning experience and those are the sites I would like him to go to. One of them is Dizzywood, an activity oriented virtual world online game for kids age 8-12. There is no application to download. It is a web based game. I better go sign up and try the game, may be I will like it for my own entertainment.

Of course, there are many sites that promote learning experience and those are the sites I would like him to go to. One of them is Dizzywood, an activity oriented virtual world online game for kids age 8-12. There is no application to download. It is a web based game. I better go sign up and try the game, may be I will like it for my own entertainment.
Apr 7, 2008
Been away for a long time
Sorry for the long silent in this blog. I've been too busy attending to my son as well as doing a real estate transaction in short sale. This transaction is new to me and is my first time attempting this type of transaction. I am working with another more experience realtor from our office for this. We have offer and now is waiting for the lender to approve of it. Hope to close it soon then I can relax a bit.
Mar 3, 2008
Happy Birthday Brandon!
My son turns 2 today! Time really passes too quickly. One moment I was pregnant and then he was here .... now he is turning 2. Cherish the moments!!!
Happy Birthday Brandon. Fai Goh Cheung Dai!!!!
Mommy and Daddy love you very much. Even though at times you give us a hard time and you get the scolding from me ... but inside I still love you so much. *hugs* *kisses* XOXO
Happy Birthday Brandon. Fai Goh Cheung Dai!!!!
Mommy and Daddy love you very much. Even though at times you give us a hard time and you get the scolding from me ... but inside I still love you so much. *hugs* *kisses* XOXO
My Typing Speed
I love to type and I love to type fast! When I saw Judy's post on her typing speed, I know I have to try this out.
I find this test not as accurate because the sentence doesn't make up a sentence, but instead fragment of words that doesn't make sense in the sentence. What I did while typing is to recite the words along so I can type the words from my mouth and not by looking at them on the screen since they sentence doesn't make any sense.
The result:
82 words
You reached 343 points, so you achieved position 64314 of 870767 on the ranking list
You type 430 characters per minute
You have 82 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
I find this test not as accurate because the sentence doesn't make up a sentence, but instead fragment of words that doesn't make sense in the sentence. What I did while typing is to recite the words along so I can type the words from my mouth and not by looking at them on the screen since they sentence doesn't make any sense.
The result:
82 words
You reached 343 points, so you achieved position 64314 of 870767 on the ranking list
You type 430 characters per minute
You have 82 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
Feb 9, 2008
Fri 2/8/2008
What we did this weekend?
Friday 2/8/2008
My appointment with a client at 10am was cancelled earlier in the day. I woke up at 8am and got her message. Then I prepared Chicken with Apple porridge for Brandon's lunch. Typed up some opps and posts while the porridge was cooking. Wash a load of my own laundry and line dry them. It was a good warm weather so my cloth dried up very fast.
After the porrdige was done, we packed up and went to Disneyland. On the way there, we stopped by Lee's Sandwich to get our lunch - Vietnamese baguette sandwich. It's only $2.20 for each sandwich and if we have lunch in the park, it can easily cost between $8-$15 per person. We bought two - a grilled pork and a BBQ pork. I also got some egg rolls and a long baguette with my order. The baguette was freshly baked so while in the car, I tore up small pieces to give to Brandon. He loves it! I had a few bite myself too as I was already hungry.
By the time we arrived at the park, it was probably noon already. We went to the Baby Center to let Brandon do his potty. Then we headed to the eating area, bought a drink and I fed him his porridge whiel Hubby was munching down his BBQ pork sandwich and some egg rolls. We should be eating at the picnic area outside the park but to make things easier for us, we bought a cup of soda from the fast food restaurant inside to go with our lunch so we could eat inside the park.
After lunch, we took Brandon for his first ride in the Pirate of the Caribbean attraction. It was dark inside and I was worried that he might cry. Everything seemed to be OK. He said he likes it. Our last stop was at the Critter Country and had a few pictures taken with Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore.
On the way back, Brandon fell asleep in the car. He actually napped the moment we lef the parking structure. He continued sleeping when we got home and had a 2 hour afternoon nap that afternoon. As for dinner, we ate whatever we found at home while Brandon had his Apple and Chicken Porridge.
Friday 2/8/2008
My appointment with a client at 10am was cancelled earlier in the day. I woke up at 8am and got her message. Then I prepared Chicken with Apple porridge for Brandon's lunch. Typed up some opps and posts while the porridge was cooking. Wash a load of my own laundry and line dry them. It was a good warm weather so my cloth dried up very fast.
After the porrdige was done, we packed up and went to Disneyland. On the way there, we stopped by Lee's Sandwich to get our lunch - Vietnamese baguette sandwich. It's only $2.20 for each sandwich and if we have lunch in the park, it can easily cost between $8-$15 per person. We bought two - a grilled pork and a BBQ pork. I also got some egg rolls and a long baguette with my order. The baguette was freshly baked so while in the car, I tore up small pieces to give to Brandon. He loves it! I had a few bite myself too as I was already hungry.
By the time we arrived at the park, it was probably noon already. We went to the Baby Center to let Brandon do his potty. Then we headed to the eating area, bought a drink and I fed him his porridge whiel Hubby was munching down his BBQ pork sandwich and some egg rolls. We should be eating at the picnic area outside the park but to make things easier for us, we bought a cup of soda from the fast food restaurant inside to go with our lunch so we could eat inside the park.
After lunch, we took Brandon for his first ride in the Pirate of the Caribbean attraction. It was dark inside and I was worried that he might cry. Everything seemed to be OK. He said he likes it. Our last stop was at the Critter Country and had a few pictures taken with Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore.
On the way back, Brandon fell asleep in the car. He actually napped the moment we lef the parking structure. He continued sleeping when we got home and had a 2 hour afternoon nap that afternoon. As for dinner, we ate whatever we found at home while Brandon had his Apple and Chicken Porridge.
Sat 2/2 - Sun 2/3
What did we do this weekend?
Saturday 2/2 and Sunday 2/3
Oops ... I forgot what we did this two days. But we had a lot of rain so I don't think we did much that two days.
Saturday, we went to the Torrance Farmers Market, JJ Bakery and Sam's Club to buy milk.
And for Sunday, I remember we went to Manhattan Village Mall and I visited the Apple store. After that we stopped by The Right Start, a specialty store for baby and children products to find the Dwink Holder but they only have PINK color in stock. We would prefer the orange one than pink for our son.
That's all I remember, unless if I check our credit cards transactions, probably I will find out where we had our lunch/dinner for that weekend.
Saturday 2/2 and Sunday 2/3
Oops ... I forgot what we did this two days. But we had a lot of rain so I don't think we did much that two days.
Saturday, we went to the Torrance Farmers Market, JJ Bakery and Sam's Club to buy milk.
And for Sunday, I remember we went to Manhattan Village Mall and I visited the Apple store. After that we stopped by The Right Start, a specialty store for baby and children products to find the Dwink Holder but they only have PINK color in stock. We would prefer the orange one than pink for our son.
That's all I remember, unless if I check our credit cards transactions, probably I will find out where we had our lunch/dinner for that weekend.
Jan 31, 2008
Fri 1/22 - Sat 1/23
What did we do today?
Friday 1/22/2008
This morning I went to see a Chinese doctor at Monterey Park, and she told me to keep trying and when I really want to get pregnant, I should go again and she will perform acupuncture to trigger the release of egg/eggs. She said she didn't want to let me drink any chinese herbs as you know those concoction is very dark in color hence will give a dark color skin baby. So I told her I will try a few more months and if still no result, I will go back to see her. I may need to be travelling in the next few months so I will take it slowly.
Then we asked Brandon where he wanted to go, and his reply, "NEN!" which means Disneyland. So we went. Although the weather forecast said that it may be raining but we were prepared. We brought umbrella and also caps just incase. But while we were there, there was no rain at all. We didn't take any ride except for the Merry-Go-Around at Disney California Adventure. We had lunch and ice-cream at the park. We left the part around 2:30pm and on the way back home, Brandon fell asleep in the car.
As for dinner, we tried the new Thai restaurant - Three Spice Kitchen in Gardena. We ordered Pad See Eew, Grill BBQ Chicken and Chicken Satay for appetizer. Food wasn't great but average. We spent a little over $20 for this dinner to-go. Ya, it is better for us to have it at home because Brandon would not co-operate if we eat out somewhere there's no ceiling fan.
After dinner, we went to the Del Amo Mall for a walk.
Saturday 1/21/2008
This morning, we went to Walmat, Torrance Farmers Market, to my real estate office (TRG) to drop off the check for business license fee, Korean Market and then to Sam's club. Came back home around 11:45am. Fed Brandon his lunch while waiting for a friend to return my call. We were supposed to have lunch together that day. I called him several times, and I couldn't get the hold of him. He returned my called later in the evening and told me he left his cell at his work. No wonder I couldn't get to him.
So we ate lunch ourselves at Big Island near Walmart.. We weren't really hungry so we ordered a plate of their combination bbq and shared between the two of us. After lunch, we went to Marukai to shop a little bit. We planned to have steam boat for dinner so we got some meat and vege from there too.
Friday 1/22/2008
This morning I went to see a Chinese doctor at Monterey Park, and she told me to keep trying and when I really want to get pregnant, I should go again and she will perform acupuncture to trigger the release of egg/eggs. She said she didn't want to let me drink any chinese herbs as you know those concoction is very dark in color hence will give a dark color skin baby. So I told her I will try a few more months and if still no result, I will go back to see her. I may need to be travelling in the next few months so I will take it slowly.
Then we asked Brandon where he wanted to go, and his reply, "NEN!" which means Disneyland. So we went. Although the weather forecast said that it may be raining but we were prepared. We brought umbrella and also caps just incase. But while we were there, there was no rain at all. We didn't take any ride except for the Merry-Go-Around at Disney California Adventure. We had lunch and ice-cream at the park. We left the part around 2:30pm and on the way back home, Brandon fell asleep in the car.
As for dinner, we tried the new Thai restaurant - Three Spice Kitchen in Gardena. We ordered Pad See Eew, Grill BBQ Chicken and Chicken Satay for appetizer. Food wasn't great but average. We spent a little over $20 for this dinner to-go. Ya, it is better for us to have it at home because Brandon would not co-operate if we eat out somewhere there's no ceiling fan.
After dinner, we went to the Del Amo Mall for a walk.
Saturday 1/21/2008
This morning, we went to Walmat, Torrance Farmers Market, to my real estate office (TRG) to drop off the check for business license fee, Korean Market and then to Sam's club. Came back home around 11:45am. Fed Brandon his lunch while waiting for a friend to return my call. We were supposed to have lunch together that day. I called him several times, and I couldn't get the hold of him. He returned my called later in the evening and told me he left his cell at his work. No wonder I couldn't get to him.
So we ate lunch ourselves at Big Island near Walmart.. We weren't really hungry so we ordered a plate of their combination bbq and shared between the two of us. After lunch, we went to Marukai to shop a little bit. We planned to have steam boat for dinner so we got some meat and vege from there too.
Jan 27, 2008
Sunday 1/20/2008
What did we do this past Sunday?
Sunday 1/20/2008
We visited Michales to look for more tools for my cake decorating class. Next to this plaza where was a Party City store, so we dropped by to check out the themes available to prepare for my son's 2nd birthday bash. Afterwards, we went by Whole Food Market in El Segundo but didn't buy any grocery.
We had lunch at Lee's Tofu, because there's ceiling fans around the restuarant. The price of the food went up about $1 a dish. It is about $9 a bowl of tofu and rice now. This may be the last time we dine here for a long while. It is not really worth to get lunch outside for $9. Their hot stone tofu bowl is very delicious but I don't think is worth $9 for lunch menu.
Before we went home, I went in to Smart and Final and bought a tub of Butter Flavor Crisco to make the buttercream icing we needed for the cake decorating class on Tuesday. Then later at home, I made a batch of buttercream icing and tried hands on with some cake decorating tips. It was fun, but I realize the counter I was working on was a bit too high. Next time I should do it at the dining table.
I should have written up this post sooner. Now I tried to think what we had for dinner but I can't remember.
Sunday 1/20/2008
We visited Michales to look for more tools for my cake decorating class. Next to this plaza where was a Party City store, so we dropped by to check out the themes available to prepare for my son's 2nd birthday bash. Afterwards, we went by Whole Food Market in El Segundo but didn't buy any grocery.
We had lunch at Lee's Tofu, because there's ceiling fans around the restuarant. The price of the food went up about $1 a dish. It is about $9 a bowl of tofu and rice now. This may be the last time we dine here for a long while. It is not really worth to get lunch outside for $9. Their hot stone tofu bowl is very delicious but I don't think is worth $9 for lunch menu.
Before we went home, I went in to Smart and Final and bought a tub of Butter Flavor Crisco to make the buttercream icing we needed for the cake decorating class on Tuesday. Then later at home, I made a batch of buttercream icing and tried hands on with some cake decorating tips. It was fun, but I realize the counter I was working on was a bit too high. Next time I should do it at the dining table.
I should have written up this post sooner. Now I tried to think what we had for dinner but I can't remember.
Jan 20, 2008
Saturday 1/19/2008
What did we do this weekend?
I need to start writing down what we've been doing over the weekend because when I tried to remember what we've done the last weekend, I just can't recall.
On Saturday (1/19/2008)
Last night, I made a list of things to do today and we accomplished everything on the list.
Brandon woke up very early this morning at 7am. I wasn't expecting him until 8am. We got things together and left the home for Torrance Farmers Market by 9am. It was nice to be there early as there were still many parking spaces available. We bought some food and I also got a parsley plant to grow from home for cooking.
Next we dropped by Del Amo Mall to pick up some stuff from Joann. We did it quickly and then we went to Sam's club to get milk, and some other grocery items. At check out I suggested for us to get the 2 hotdogs and drinks ($1.50 per set) from Sam's club for lunch at Zoo later.
Left Sam's club before 11am and went home to drop off the grocery. Brandon was asleep in the car during the trip back home. We didn't want to wake him up so we let the engine runs while we moved the stuff into the house.
The traffic was good on the way to the Los Angeles Zoo and we arrived before 12pm. Brandon was still sleeping and we found a good parking spot. We ate our hotdogs in the car. Woke him up after we were done and headed inside the Zoo. We saw the new Gorillas' exhibit.
Brandon wanted to walk but he wasn't looking where he was walking and kept stumbling on other visitors. Or he would hop goin down the slope. For the very first, ge didn't want to hold me hands while walking which made me really mad. When I tried to hold his hand, he threw tantrum, arched his back backward. I carried him and it was tough as he was still squirming and arching. Hubby was pushing the stroller. We left the park.
During the car ride, he didn't nap but I did for a short 5 mins. When we got home, Hubby took him out for a walk while I vacuumed and mopped the dining plus kitchen area. After that, we went out again to Trader Joe's. Bought some stuff and we headed to our favorite Pho place for early dinner. After dinner, it was around 5:30pm, Brandon slept in the car on the way back.
I need to start writing down what we've been doing over the weekend because when I tried to remember what we've done the last weekend, I just can't recall.
On Saturday (1/19/2008)
Last night, I made a list of things to do today and we accomplished everything on the list.
Brandon woke up very early this morning at 7am. I wasn't expecting him until 8am. We got things together and left the home for Torrance Farmers Market by 9am. It was nice to be there early as there were still many parking spaces available. We bought some food and I also got a parsley plant to grow from home for cooking.
Next we dropped by Del Amo Mall to pick up some stuff from Joann. We did it quickly and then we went to Sam's club to get milk, and some other grocery items. At check out I suggested for us to get the 2 hotdogs and drinks ($1.50 per set) from Sam's club for lunch at Zoo later.
Left Sam's club before 11am and went home to drop off the grocery. Brandon was asleep in the car during the trip back home. We didn't want to wake him up so we let the engine runs while we moved the stuff into the house.
The traffic was good on the way to the Los Angeles Zoo and we arrived before 12pm. Brandon was still sleeping and we found a good parking spot. We ate our hotdogs in the car. Woke him up after we were done and headed inside the Zoo. We saw the new Gorillas' exhibit.
Brandon wanted to walk but he wasn't looking where he was walking and kept stumbling on other visitors. Or he would hop goin down the slope. For the very first, ge didn't want to hold me hands while walking which made me really mad. When I tried to hold his hand, he threw tantrum, arched his back backward. I carried him and it was tough as he was still squirming and arching. Hubby was pushing the stroller. We left the park.
During the car ride, he didn't nap but I did for a short 5 mins. When we got home, Hubby took him out for a walk while I vacuumed and mopped the dining plus kitchen area. After that, we went out again to Trader Joe's. Bought some stuff and we headed to our favorite Pho place for early dinner. After dinner, it was around 5:30pm, Brandon slept in the car on the way back.
Jan 18, 2008
Grilled Chicken for tonite!
As a stay at home mom taking care of an almost 2 years old, I hardly able to find time to cook when he is so clingy to me. Luckily we don't mind eating take outs. I heard about the Mexican chicken at El Pollo Loco recently. I would love to enjoy this citrus-marinated flame-grilled chicken with some salsa on a warm flour tortilla. May be if I am able to find the time, I may cook some Asian rice to go with this delicious chicken. I love citrus marinated meat!
Jan 14, 2008
Toddler's Time at Torrance Library
This morning I brought Brandon to Torrance Civic Center Library for its Toddler's Time. This class/activity was recommended by two other moms I've met in Parenting the Toddler's Class at the Torrance Adult School. This activity is a short 30 minutes class with storybooks telling, singing and musical instrument play along. We weren't able to sign up for the 10:30am class (where the other two kids were registered) as it was already full. But we were able to register for the 11:15am class.
We waited about 20 minutes then we went into the class. Brandon was a little upset when we first entered, but he was alright after just 3 minutes. I basically had to dragged and carried him into the class.
There were about 15 parent-kids pairs. The class started with a few songs. Then a storybook reading. After that, a few more songs, then another storybook reading and it ends with a fun song with egg shakers given to each kid. It was short but good enough for us.
Next Monday is Martin Luther King's Holiday so there will be no class for that week.
We waited about 20 minutes then we went into the class. Brandon was a little upset when we first entered, but he was alright after just 3 minutes. I basically had to dragged and carried him into the class.
There were about 15 parent-kids pairs. The class started with a few songs. Then a storybook reading. After that, a few more songs, then another storybook reading and it ends with a fun song with egg shakers given to each kid. It was short but good enough for us.
Next Monday is Martin Luther King's Holiday so there will be no class for that week.
Jan 7, 2008
A week into 2008
This is too fast, we are now a week into the new year 2008. I can't believe it. My boy will soon be turning 2 in less than 2 months and I have yet to come up with the theme for his birthday. I am not even sure if I plan to have a birthday bash like last year for him. My MIL helped prepare most of the dishes for the last party. I made a few, and we had so much leftover that we had to ask every guest to take doggy bags with them when they left.
It is a lot of work, but it is fun to meet up with all the relatives. I don't really have any relatives here, though I have a few good friends. Although they are all my husband's side, and we don't meet up too often. Unlike me, they don't get together for no reason. When I was back in KL, I would go out for mamak session or a coffee bean evening with my cousins. It was fun to hang out and gossip around. I do miss those moments.
It is a lot of work, but it is fun to meet up with all the relatives. I don't really have any relatives here, though I have a few good friends. Although they are all my husband's side, and we don't meet up too often. Unlike me, they don't get together for no reason. When I was back in KL, I would go out for mamak session or a coffee bean evening with my cousins. It was fun to hang out and gossip around. I do miss those moments.
Before you go on a date ...
Internet dating has become so popular now. To tell the truth, I met my husband online and we hooked up immediately. Luckily he was a fine man. This was about than 10 years ago when I met him. I believe then the web was yet to be filled by 'bad' men. But today if you do plan to go on an internet date, do visit Date Screening Website first.
This is one of the largest website where you will be able to read and find out rating about abusive and cheating men. Names were entered by women to promote safe dating, not just for America but worldwide. There are also other interesting topics to help woman in their relationship including free medical advice by volunteer doctor. And if you like curious, you can get a free tarot card reading too.

This is one of the largest website where you will be able to read and find out rating about abusive and cheating men. Names were entered by women to promote safe dating, not just for America but worldwide. There are also other interesting topics to help woman in their relationship including free medical advice by volunteer doctor. And if you like curious, you can get a free tarot card reading too.
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