Is summer here, so hot and dry. I am shopping for cloth diapers for Brandon. Since a while back, he's been depositing his business in the potty so we are pretty sure that we can stay away from 'really' soiled cloth diaper. Though accidents do happen, but is like once in a blue moon thing now. He does his poop poop in the potty once or twice a day. Very good boy.
Now, the big project for Mommy. She has to shop for cloth diapers. They are expensive ($12-$18 a pc) but it is better for the butt butt (also the environment) because cloth diapers airs out better. I can tell that the diapers we are using now is very harsh on his butt especially in this hot weather. Also this little boy drinks a lot of water and even though I let him pee on the potty but 2 hours later, the diaper will be full too. So it will be more economical for us and healthier for his butt butt if we invest in some cloth diapers.
I've read Zara and Zaria's Mama getting some non-traditional cloth diapers and read her opinion of the two types she got. Also discussed with Belle's Mama about this issue too. I have some traditional cloth diapers from Malaysia but those became too small now for Brandon. When he was younger (last summer), they were too big and now too small. Also very inconvenient as those need to be changed everytime he pees and it will wet the exterior as well. And worse if you are carrying him and he pees and your baju will be wet as well.
I am still looking around for those nicer cloth diapers. Still shopping and hope can conclude my purchase by end of this week. Will update about it.
Wow..Brandon such a clever boy. Already does his poo poo in the potty..My boys still not potty train yet..*shame*
the diaper agnes bought is too expensive
any luck getting 'em at ebay?
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