Apr 16, 2007

A peek into someone's handbag

Got another tag. This time it came from Binky, blogging and such. She wants to see what handbag I use and what I keeping inside the handbag. Not to disappoint you, but my handbag very plain one. Nothing interesting.

As you know, I have a 1yr 1 mth baby boy. So like Shirley, I also carry a diaper bag, which is actually a miniture diaper bag which I bought from Target before our trip to Malaysia. I like the bag because I like it being the strap is adjustable (long or short) (over the shoulder or not). Also, it has a lot of compartments and I only used the main ones.

OK, what you will find in my bag:
1. my purse
2. my digital camera
3. my water bottle
4. my lipgloss
5. my lipstick (just in case I need to show homes but rarely put on)
6. scotties tissues pack
7. 1 diaper, 1 baby wipe (individually pack)
8. baby bottle
9. baby's pacifier
10. my groceries coupons book (not in the picture because it is now in the car)
11. an Arbonne sample package just in case if I came across someone who wants to try it
12. lastly, lap sap "rubbish" - could be anything from some new coupons I've just cut out from the newspaper, a piece of paper with phone number, a shopping list, snacks, and other lap sap.

Here is a picture of the inside:

Not tagging anyone this time. I think most people has done with this already. And I know some other moms who haven't, they are too busy taking care of their little ones. So ... I will just let this one go by.


Sasha Tan said...

hahha i just took one pic ...there's only one thing in my bag. JAYDEN! hahah

Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

wah so many things can fit into that bag, terrorlah u :P

wHOisBaBy said...

sasha: ya i remember reading that blog. it was so cute that you put jayden in the bag.

grace: the bag ends up being very heavy. so usually i use the strap over my shoulder to help with the weight.