Oct 22, 2006

Still no teeth yet

My sister told me that Ethan's 2 lower incisors are emerging. Another milestone for Ethan. My little Brandon is almost 8 months now, and still no teeth. I understand that each baby teeth will come at different time and I am not too worry about it. I've heard / read that some babies don't have any teeth until they reached 12 months. An average age range that baby will start sprouting teeth around 6-12 months. I still have 4 months to go before I have to start worrying.

Even though he has no tooth, Brandon is eating broccoli florets. He bites the dark green part of the broccoli and then he chews before swallowing. He is also eating some soft milk cookies/biscuits - MARIE BISCUITS. This type of biscuit melts when it touches the water. However, the process of feeding himself with one MARIE biscuit is pretty messy. Hands, face, body ... all cover by the left over MARIE biscuit residues. More importantly is that he enjoys feeding himself.


Lemonjude said...

some said grow teeth in the 9th month having nice teeth..not sure it is true or not...so i think it is not hard to encourage him in chewing as can see he is good in taking solid now..

Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

I'm sure his teeth will show up soon :D

wHOisBaBy said...

judy chow: will see if he has nice teeth. still no sign of teeth till today.

g: hopefully soon. i really want him to start trying some adult's table food.