Jul 22, 2006

Hou Tsau Chin Foong Sun

I am writing this post specially for mother's with young kids. I am not sure if any of you have seen this before but it is a chinese medicine that helps young chidren to get rid of phlegm (according to my cousin) .

My cousin from Penang bought this and passed to my aunt to bring over during her visit in April. I've talked to my cousin (she has a young boyboy, experienced mother) about my baby and how I always hear him having phlegm going up and down his throat. She immediately told me that she knew something that could help. She said this powder (Hou Tsao Chin Foong Sun) which her son really likes, can help baby to get rid of phlegm by dissolving it and it will come out with the stool. When I heard it, I knew I must get it. She also told me that I don't have to give him a lot of it since my boyboy was still young that time. Only need to give him a small finger tip and brush it inside his inner cheek.

I didn't give to my son immediately as I was breastfeeding him during that time and I had steamed fish everyday. According to the "Malay" description on the box, it says "Bagi ibu-ibu yang menyusukan bayi dan bayi-bayi dielakan makan ubat ini apabila makan ikan dan makanan yang berminyak" (Breastfeed babies shouldn't be given this medicine if the mother has fish or other oily food during her meal).

When I stopped giving Brandon BM, I tried to give him a little of this to see his reaction. He quivered during the process, everytime. I actually tasted the powder myself and it wasn't too bitter or sour. It has the so-called 'kam' or 'gum' (in Chinese) taste.

So did it work? I gave him very little (end of my pinky fingertip), once a day and continously for 3 days. I did notice a slight increase in stickiness in his stool, not immediately but probably on the 3rd or 4th day. Because I had stopped on the 3rd day, I only noticed the change in stool once. And I didn't hear much of his phlegm after that. Not sure if that was the result after taking the powder OR it just miraculously dissappeared.

What it says on the box (only the "Malay" part):

  • RM22.00 each for 6gm of the powder.
  • To treat children with cough, fever and flu (batuk, deman dan selsema)
  • Baby 1 - 3 months: 1/8 bottle, 4-10 months: 1/4 bottle, 1-3 years:1/2 bottle; every 4 hours.
  • Ingredients: (the letterings are very small, I only include those I knew I can read properly) Pearl, Peel of sweet orange, Monkey Pads, Musk, Borneo Camphor

  • If you looking for it and couldn't find it at the local Chinese Medicine Shop, let me know. I can ask my cousin to find out which store she actually got it from. I know from Penang and I am not sure if they are selling them in KL. And if you can find it at KL, let me know also so I can update to include the place to find it.


    ZMM said...

    Hmm.. I don't know if I'll ever use such a medicine though when it's not prescribe by the Dr (Paed or Chinese herbalist).

    I'd never heard of this med, but if I have friends who have young baby with such problem, I'll refer them to your site. :P

    wHOisBaBy said...

    zara's mama: better have your friends ask the hearbalist before purchasing. not sure if it fits all babies.