Apr 27, 2006

Abandoned Baby at Bukit Jambul, Penang

Got a little time to myself this morning and I was reading 'The Star Online'. I came across this article Many want to adopt abandoned baby. Someone basically threw away her newborn in a dumpster at Bukit Jambul, Penang. Luckily, a 35 years old hawker found the baby. Baby is now given a clean bill of health at the Penang Hospital.

I was angry at the person who did that. How can anyone abandoned their baby in a rubbish can? Shouldn't him/her be given at least a chance of life? There are many people who want to have babies and they couldn't while some people just throw away their newborns. If you don't want to keep the baby, drop the baby at the hospital or the police station. In the above case, if no one found the baby, then the baby wouldn't have survived.

In California, anyone who didn't want to keep their newborns can leave their babies at any hospital, police station or fire station WITHOUT any question asked!


Egghead said...

I saw and wanted to write something about it too... in fact I wrote about another similar incident last year... sigh!

I guess that's why Malaysia will continue to remain a third world country... no money and cents are gonna change that!

Mumsgather said...

Thats really really sad. You are right. There are many who wants to have a baby but can't have one and then there are people who just "throw" their babies away. I can only imagine perhaps they are too desperate and don't know what to do and will probably regret it for the rest of their lives.

mom2ashley said...

ya i know..it's sad that people can actually think about abandoning their newborns.

wHOisBaBy said...

egghead: hopefully there will be changes in the law so ppl can leave their newborns anonymously at certain locations.

mumsgather: may be they were confused and scared at that moment, especially young single mother. they will probably regret it later in their lives when they realized what they did.

mom2ashley: newborns are so so precious. they should at least get a chance to live.