Nov 2, 2007

My Alexa Ranking

I really don't understand why my Alexa ranking is always so high on all of my blogs. My blogger friends have been having good and low Alexa ranking but mine is way too high to be able to grab any good paying opps from 3Ps.

I've tried many methods suggested by my fellow friend in Sydney but it didn't help boost the number at all. *sigh* I guess my sites just don't have much high traffic that's why the score is staying over the 1 million mark. I have to just bare with it.

1 comment:

Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

Thanks for linking to my blogs :D I too dont understand why ur alexa ranking is high :( I am sure all ur blogs hv MORE traffic than mine. I dont hv high traffic ... average 25/day on mommibee and about 5-10/day on g8g. i've totally removed the alexa widget and the numbers continued to drop but slow. i guess the theory was just a myth.