Hubby broke something ... not mine ... but something belongs to our boy, very stupid story. I am so angry but I can't scold him because he kept saying I scold him for nothing. YEEE!!!!!!!! AARRRGGHH!! ... it was his mistake and though now I can buy a new one replacing this broken 'baby item' but still I feel very bad because if not of his 'no common' sense dealing with situation, this thing will not break in the first place. *sigh*
I'm being naughty and the first thing came in my mind was..hahahahha..ok ok, i'll keep it PG. Will IM you what was the "thing" I thought..*snicker*
LOL! I see you've editted your post after my prev comment..hehe..
oops could almost feel ur wrath :P would it make u feel better if i told u my hubs broke our new wall (a hole of an A4 size paper) a few weeks back while swaying around with Bee?
Keep cooooolll. Ok. The item can be bought again. Accident do happen. *wink*
vien: ya lar ... need to change lar, this is PG blog like you said.
grace: ya i saw on your g&g blog about the hole. wah he so strong one ah ... wall also can break. his hand ok or not?
estee: ya cool cool ... is true that the thing can be bought again but he stupid mar. aiyo ... how can you 'kam ngang' close the stroller when it cannot be closed.
ooo stroller yeah? sorry to hear that :( Thanks for asking abt hubs' hand. Hands were ok, in fact everywhere also ok. His shoulder smashed against the wall. I guess his whole weight shifted there. So lau-yah the gyprock they use to make the walls!
Ohhh...stroller only is it? Got so many, nevermind la.
grace: ya lar ... so 'fah hok' one. aiyo ... can complaint to the builder ah?
lil'devil: ya got so many but stupid mistake mar. aiyo ... i need to call u to tell u ... i also dunno how to word it in english.
haha no lah, all builders use the same stuff ie gyprock (that's what I hate abt houses in Aust, pay lots of $$ and u still dont get interior brick walls. i think it is quite a rare incident that such impact could punch a hole in the wall.
grace: aiya ... here too the same, all the interior walls are made of we called drywall. punch hard hard can go through one.
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