I have so many of these empty boxes/jars from the baby food that I've been feeding Brandon. They are very easy to wash, cause not oily. I wash, dry and keep them. Very waste to throw them away.
It can be good for any type of storage because it comes with lid. The plastic ones are stackable if lids are removed. I gave a whole lot to MIL because she used them to store small items. Hubby also took a few for his co-worker's kid for art project.
Now that I am looking to have more space and less rubbish in the house, should I throw them out? Very hard decision for me to make. Because I know now I don't need them, but when I need them, they are thrown out. Always like that. If ask Hubby, he sure says THROW LAR, rubbish only mar!
SAME SAME SAME story here!!!
SAME #1: Kept all the baby food jars, ours are all glass.
SAME #2: Hubby ask to throw away.
SAME #3: Always will need it when thrown away.
We definitely ARE sisters!!! ahhahah...
lil'devil: you got place to store meh?
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