Jan 10, 2007

Baby's Porridge

I only manage to find time once a week to prepare baby porridge for Brandon. The one time cooking provides Brandon two consecutive days of porridge. He loves porridge. I love it too!

I don't have many baby porridge recipe, but manage to create a few. I used the Rival slow cooker / crockpot for making baby porridge. Usually I prep the ingredient in the evening and throw everything into the pot at night and let it boil on high until midnight (a good 3 hours of boiling) and turn it off. Then I turn it on early in the morning (around 6am/7am) on low until lunch time. I've tried turning low for overnight and turning on high in the morning for shorter time, but both ended up with a sticky pot bottom and a thinner consistency porridge.

For lunch meal, Brandon will have it hot and fresh out from the pot, but for dinner time, I will scoop enough porridge into a small pot to reheat it and feed to baby. By doing so, I don't have to reheat the whole crockpot of porridge. The rest of the porridge will be cold enough to go into the refrigerator for lunch and dinner the next day.

Main ingredients:
Water (fill up to 3/5 of the crockpot), Rice (1 cup), - cooked porridge will be approximately 3/4 of the crockpot

Here are a few of other ingredients I've used in my recipes:
Chicken Breast, Carrots
Chicken Breast, Potatoes
Pork Loin, Carrots, Tomatoes
Pork Loin, Carrots, Celery
Ikan Bilis (Anchovies), Carrots

We are not in the season for bayam (chinese spinach). I like to use carrot and it helps to make my porridge very sweet as I do not add any salt to my porridge. Sometimes, I also have the porridge for lunch myself.

Haven't try any fresh fish porridge yet. Not too easy to buy nice and fresh fish here. Most of the fish sold at the Chinese groceries stores are frozen varieties from China. They do have fresh swimming fish too but haven't try those in porridge. I only buy those and steam it for Brandon to eat FISH only meal.


Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

thanks for the recipes, seems easy enough for me to follow hehe. I've just bought a cheap version of the original magic bullet today in preparation to make porridge for the little one. I'll be using slow cooker too.

wHOisBaBy said...

g: i got the magic bullet too, butu seldom use it.