Jun 27, 2006

Crying Baby

Some said if baby cries, you have to carry him or at least if you tried soothing him and he still can't stop crying, carry him. Baby at this age needs you to be there for him when he cries. This is to show that you care and be there for him to protect him. Kinda like to start a 'trust' bonding within the family. Seldom at this age they cry to get your attention.

As for myself, I can't stand hearing him cry (pity him). When I hear him cry (real crying), my heart becomes very disoriented and I can't concentrate whatever things I am doing. Unlike my hubby whom can stand it. He said let him cry until he stop on his own. He said don't carry him or else he will want to be carry all the time. Usually this happen in the evening time when Baby Brandon is about to go to sleep. I know he is tired and wanted to sleep. We will give him his pacifier, he would take it, but sometimes it will fall off by itself. So we have to sit by to watch. Also sometimes, he just doesn't want it and uses his tongue to push it out.

My hubby would sit there and watch him cry without doing anything while I was in another room. I just couldn't stand the cry so I would go into our room and pick him up for a moment until he stopped crying. Sometimes I would play with him a little just to get him MORE tired. Then I would place him back into his crib and give him his pacifier again. If he didn't want it, I would give him a little water (may be he is thirsty?). Then he would slowly go to sleep. Of course, not forgetting to turn on the CDs (either the Bedtime Beethoven, Night Night Classics or Sweet Dreams Lullabies) . It works most of the time.

So what do you do when your baby cries? Do you pick the baby up or let him/her cry it out?


Egghead said...

I can't stand crying baby also! normally I try to distract them with something interesting or new to them :)

Chocklitmom said...

Hey...I was just discussing this topic with another mommy. I won't pick baby up when he's just crying in a whimpering manner. He'll fall asleep after crying abt 10 mins that way.

But I'll pick him up if he's screaming. Can't stand it either. My husband is ok with the crying as well.

Anonymous said...

Babies enter this world helpless and totally depedant on others to meet their needs - both their physical and emotional needs. By answering their baby's cries responsively, parents help their baby learn to trust. He will begin to anticipate a response and will feel loved and secure. When parents don't listen to their baby's cries, his cries escalate and he becomes harder to comfort. If his cries continue to be ignored, he will cry until he becomes exhausted or gives up in despair. By ignoring their baby's cries, instead of learning to communicate better, the communication system is broken down and parents can become insensitive to their baby's needs. Sometimes parents fear that they will create a clingy, dependant child if they don't make their child learn to self-soothe. They are afraid that too much attention will create a spoiled child. The opposite is true. Babies cannot meet their own needs, and those who have their needs met at an early age will grow into secure, independent children. And just as fruit that is left on the counter too long will spoil, babies "spoil" when parents don't give them all the love and comfort they need. Follow & trust your instinct..

Anonymous said...

I tend to my baby after she whimpers a bit, first I need to make sure she's really crying or not, sometimes she's just bored or tired, then I'll leave her alone for a while. If her cry is like a scream, or out of discomfort, then I hold her to soothe her asap. I don't believe in the cry it out theory.

mom2ashley said...

when ashley cries especially if she was less than 1 year old...i'd do the following in sequence :

1. check the time and see whether it was her feeding time..if it is..then she's prolly hungry

2. if it's not her feeding time, i'd give her water....

3. if that doesn't work, then i'd cuddle her..sometime babies just wants to be cuddled.

i totallu agree with mos of 2!
i personally do not agree with letting babies especially under 1 year old to cry their lungs out until they are tired. at that age, they are completely helpless and they neeed to be able to rely on us. trherefore they need to feel confident that we will always be there for them. and crying is their only they can communicate with us...