Mar 1, 2006

Specially for Hubby with pregnant Wife

I've read a lot of books about pregnancy and almost from cover to cover on all of them. Most of them are similar explaining what to expect during the pregnancy. However, there is one book which I like most among them. The book title is - The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Iovine.

Most of the experiences in the book are personal or from the writer's friends. So they are real. There is one particular chapter that explain what to bring with you to the hospital. And on that chapter there is a page that says,

"Leave this page open on your husband's pillow or pasted over his toilet."

And it continues ...


recommends that you show up with a GIFT
or some sort shortly after the baby is born.
You will almost never go wrong with JEWELRY,
since it will fit even before your wife has lost her
baby fat. It indicates an apperciation of the value
of the chore she has just performed.
If people get generous rewards simply for finding
lost dogs, your wife is now entitled to the hope
diamond for the service she has just rendered."

borrowed from The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy, Page 169


Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

Congrats on your new baby soon! This is a good tip indeed, will show hubby, hehe. All the best in your delivery. Take care

Egghead said...

are you hinting your hubby for something? :P
well... in my opinion... being there with your wife during her most painful hour is much better than bringing a gift afterwards :P

wHOisBaBy said...

g: thanks! i think is a good tip every hubby to know. even something small (not necessary to be jewelry) would be nice.

egghead: already told hubby that i want nothing. actually, the author means both - physically being there with your wife as well as getting her a gift.

if my hubby surprise me with something like that at the right time after the birth of the baby, of course i'll be very touched.

i also told my hubby that don't expect me to be a sane wife during the labor. i may shout, yell like mad woman. just want him to be prepared. or else he thinks i've gone crazy.

ZMM said...

Ou.. you shld have shown this earlier.. It'll be too late for me to claim my 'rewards' now.

wHOisBaBy said...

zara's mama: claim your 'rewards' for your next one.