Mar 28, 2006

Before and After

We had our house painted last week. Took the painter 5 days to finish the job. We wanted to paint it since a while back but due the pregnancy, we were told not to get anything major done until the baby arrives and we did.

We received quotes/estimates from 4 companies. First company was the Pacific Construction that quoted us for a Tex-Cote stucco paint for $20,000. We could have bought a new car with that price! The reason for being so expensive was they have lifetime guarantee with their Tex-Cote paint and it supposed to be a lot higher in quality than regular paint job. We were kinda convinced with the quality of the product but not the price. Next, we received two quotes from 'regular' paint companies. They were very close in the estimate, which was approximately $4500, which was decent.

Our neighbor then gave us a contact for this Korean guy that he said does good work and very good pricing too. I called him before the baby arrives but he wasn't available. After the baby arrived, Hubby gave him a call and arranged for an estimate. He came on Saturday [Mar 18th], and his estimated the job to be $2300 and they could start on Monday and finish by Friday [Mar 24th]. We were shocked by the price and they all basically doing the same job. So we went with him and he did a good job. We even had him painted the iron fence too for an extra $200. Another company was quoting $1100 just for the iron fence job. Now our house is pretty and nice.

We highly recommend this painter to anyone that has plan to have any paint job.

Choe Painting
(310) 316-8599


Anonymous said...

never know that your hse has a swimming pool. look so nice!

Egghead said...

nice pool! and really good job wor the painter! can ask him come to malaysia and paint my house? :P

ZMM said...

Wow.. from 20K, you ended up paying 2.3K.. that's lots of savings to be shopping around.

You have such a lovely house! So quiant.

How's baby doing?

wHOisBaBy said...

egghead: pool is nice but we hardly use it. is a luxury to have one, but because of the pool, we do not have a backyard, the pool kinda occupied the whole backyard. see how near the pool is to the house, basically, you can jump out from the house and into the pool.

zara's mama: baby is doing great. i am getting use to him now, but still worries when he cries because we just don't know what is wrong. most of the time is because he wants to eat. =)
regarding the price for the painting, it was crazy ... but the material they use for the 20K and others are different.

catherine: yea got pool, but have to pay monthly maintenance and we don't use it. water too cold in winter and in summer, water is nice when the sun is out, but it gets cold when the sun set. i don't go in the water when the sun is too strong - scare of sun burn. so again, we only use it one or twice a year. when we got the house, we thought is so nice to have a pool, but now .. i prefer to have a backyard with grass so can build slide/swing for kids to play in the backyard.

Anonymous said...

no wander westerner hate Asian LOL... Asian willing to lower down the price to get job offer huh.

nice job, and nice swimming pool :D.

mom2ashley said...

i love your house! typical american home, lots of space and a splendid pool!

1+2mom said...

Nice house and pool. The painter really done a great job, much difference and nice after paint.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you don't mind me writing here .... I saw the blog that you have for your son and nephew.
I read about Brandon's neck problem and was gonna share this with you but that blog would not allow anonymous identity and I don't have a password. My daughter had a similar problem with her neck. It was really scary when I first found it .... a LUMP! And of course you fear the worse. It turned out to be, what is called a sternomastoid 'tumour' but it's not a real tumour as such and doesn't need anything done except for some physiotherapy. It took a while before we got an appointment with the physiotherapist so I did a few things to help encourage her to turn her head to the right. (her head was always turned to the left side and she could not turn her head to the right) I gave her loads of play time on her tummy to try and build up her muscles and also put all her toys on her right side so that she would turn that way. By the time we got the appointment to see the physio, her neck was much better ....
All the best with Brandon. Take care!

wHOisBaBy said...

Anonymous: Thank you for sharing your knowledge about the 'lump' on my son's neck. Of course, anything like that would worry the parents. We will try to get him to turn on to his right side more now. Earlier, we were afraid that he may be in pain if we do it. My aunt suggested we use boiled egg to rub on it but I didn't do it.

Brandon is too young for play time or playing with his toys but we will try to help him out. the Peds also told us that the Physiotherapist would do the same thing, help him move his head slowly to the right and left.

Again many thanks Anonymous!!!

wHOisBaBy said...

maria: usually asian offer a better pricing than westerner for anything.

mom2ashley: spacious but a lot of maintenance.

1+2mom: thank you. now we will need to wash our dirty windows to match the new paint. =) but it will be done in a few months as I am still very busy with the new baby.