Bought this at a local Target store. This is nice because it comes with a seat belt too. With this item, we will not have to worry that baby sitting on a dirty shopping cart.
egghead: yup, they sell this here, we paid USD$22 for this item. cheapest around, some can go over $35.
shoppingmum: they have all kind of baby's stuff here. nice item if you go always go supermarket with baby.
zara's mama: may be someone (SAHM) there can make something similar, patent it and sell it to the local market. i think is useful because shopping carts are so dirty sometimes.
allyfeel: beside using it as a shopping cart cover, i think we can use it for a high chair when we go out to dine.
they actually sell those stuff there huh? cool!
Wah, surely can't find one here.
Haha.. didn't know they actually have such things for sale..
Hey, that's cool!
egghead: yup, they sell this here, we paid USD$22 for this item. cheapest around, some can go over $35.
shoppingmum: they have all kind of baby's stuff here. nice item if you go always go supermarket with baby.
zara's mama: may be someone (SAHM) there can make something similar, patent it and sell it to the local market. i think is useful because shopping carts are so dirty sometimes.
allyfeel: beside using it as a shopping cart cover, i think we can use it for a high chair when we go out to dine.
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