Jun 16, 2005

June 16 2005

Rosy is here!

Rosy is here. She was fostered by another family for one week and since she has not been adopted, she is now living with us. Her previous foster family only foster dogs for one week at a time.

Rosy came with the rescue founder, Cathy Rubin, yesterday afternoon around 330pm. I was anticipating for her since 230pm. So the 1 hour wait was very long indeed. She is not big, about 15 pounds or less I think. She is a miniature Schnauzer mix and 1.5 years of age. She has grey/brown coarse hair. She is not pretty but very cute and very smart. And of course, she has the long eye lashes that everyone wish she can have. She is very quiet at home. No barking. She just like to lay down on the pillow or on my ottoman. She loves going outside for playing or walking. She can really run fast. I was walking her for the first time yesterday evening and she was pulling my leash, and I tried to walk a little faster, and she walked every faster. Hey ... she got FOUR legs and I only got two. So when I started slow running, she ran faster. Then I really really ran, she ran EVEN faster. I got my good exercise yesterday.

She is housebroken, meaning she only does her business outside. So before we go to sleep last nite around 8pm, I took her out to do business before sleep. She played played a while and then wee wee. No big big so we went inside about 9pm. Then this morning, before Alan went to work, he took him out and immediately Rosy wee wee on my front yard - her spot. But still no big big, so Alan took her walking around the block and then she did it. Of course Alan has to pick up the stuff and bring back and throw into OUR trash can. Rosy doesn't eat much or drink much either.

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